Sunday, 28 September 2014

Guiness Basketball Advert

I really admire this advert because it has a very heartwarming twist towards the end. It gives the impression that the type of people who drink Guinness are a more kind and caring breed of people. The quote "the choices we make reveal the true nature of our character" makes you want to buy it more as it entices you to make a conscious decision about what you drink. Do you want to go for the average joe of beers or are you going to strive for better and drink our Guinness. It works really well with other advertising campaigns that they have done, this whole idea that Guinness isn't just your ordinary beer but something that you as a better person should be aspiring towards. They get the message across very well that the type of people who drink Guinness have a very distinct character and an acquired taste. I think the sound track goes really well with the advert as it is very calm and soothing. I also feel the intensity of the first 30 seconds or so hooks you into watching the rest of the advert.

#ShipMyPants Video advert

This advert is short to the point and also has a comedy factor to it. They say ship my pants 9 times in just over 30 seconds, in the hope that repeating the slogan would make it stick in the consumers mind. They try to get the viewers involved with the #shipmypants this is a very clever way of getting some free advertising online as if the hashtag starts to trend people will be intrigued as to what ship my pants is and also will want to feel apart of the trend. The choice of actors I think is also adequate as they have tried to involve as many different people as possible, from kids to elderly people as well as including a whole range of ethnicitys to try not to make people feel left out.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Panda Video Advert

These adverts are short sweet and show great consistency and is very recognisable in the first 10 seconds. As soon as the first 10 seconds come on it makes you want to watch more, as if you have seen one of these adverts before you know some things about to go down. The series of adverts all last around 30 seconds long, all play the same song and all bar one have a guy in a panda suit smashing something up. As an advert it's everything you could want, it sticks in the consumers head and is instantly recognisable. Its suitable for all ages and in my opinion very funny. I also think it works well because you can watch it no matter what country your from, it is'nt a nation specific advert.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Weight Watchers Print Advert

When going to weight watchers your ideal goal is to lose weight. This advert shows what weight watchers do in a nutshell, if you join weight watchers you will leave your weight at the door. Its very to the point but could also provoke a lot of emotion as getting through a door could be a problem that you as a fat person have faced once or twice in your life, it is saying very bluntly if you join us we guarantee that by the end of your journey with us you will be able to walk through any door you want with ease. The advert is straight forward and self explanatory, because there isn't a lot going on in the advert your attention is immediately drawn to the weight watchers logo and the message that they are trying to get across to you. My only problem with the advert is it is very bland and boring and perhaps sends out a little bit of a psychological message without knowing that this may be a very long and monotonous process, perhaps lacking in the excitement that is needed to motivate somebody to lose weight.

Durex Print Advert

I like this advert as there is not a lot going on in it, its something that is simple yet effective. The idea of having to pay $217 for a car seat or any item that that would be needed for the coming of a baby compared to the small price tag of $2.50 for a packet of condoms would convince even the most feebleminded to go out and buy their product. The only criticism I have about this advert is the placing of the Durex logo and its size, at a quick glance on a tube or a bus someone may miss the Durex logo. Other than that I think it gets its message across instantly and in a humorous fashion although I don't think its one that will stay in people's head.