Sunday 28 September 2014

Guiness Basketball Advert

I really admire this advert because it has a very heartwarming twist towards the end. It gives the impression that the type of people who drink Guinness are a more kind and caring breed of people. The quote "the choices we make reveal the true nature of our character" makes you want to buy it more as it entices you to make a conscious decision about what you drink. Do you want to go for the average joe of beers or are you going to strive for better and drink our Guinness. It works really well with other advertising campaigns that they have done, this whole idea that Guinness isn't just your ordinary beer but something that you as a better person should be aspiring towards. They get the message across very well that the type of people who drink Guinness have a very distinct character and an acquired taste. I think the sound track goes really well with the advert as it is very calm and soothing. I also feel the intensity of the first 30 seconds or so hooks you into watching the rest of the advert.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very encouraging start to your blog Tom, well done. Some interesting posts and good deconstruction. Use the headings we discussed on Monday at the start of each post to contextualise the discussion point; for example Society, Technology, Advertising, Design, Visual culture etc. Good stuff!
