Tuesday 28 October 2014

Volkswagen Think Small Campaign

At a time when cars were a fashion statement and the VW beetle (having been so immensely tied up to Hitler and Nazi Germany during world war 2) was considered a slow, ugly some may even argue un-american car, Helmut Krone had a huge task on his hands for the DDB to create an advertising campaign to convince Americans to buy this car.

 Krone was very bold in his attempt to do this, as soon as you see the ad and how much white space there is surrounding the car it automatically draws your attention to it. Surely the person advertising this car would like to show you as much as possible and not a bunch of white space? Krone has already got you hooked with the visuals and your curiosity makes you want to read on. The advert continues with its bold and edgy angle by actually starting to mock its car saying how it is't streamlined like other fastbacks, nor will it go past 72mph. But once its got you reeled in it continues to tell you how it is not like other cars as unlike other cars you will not have to continuously stop at gas stations, tire stores or repair shops. This is where the user starts to feel like this is a car unlike any other and at a time where cars were a fashion statement by buying this car they to could be as audacious and edgy as the advert. The slogan behind the campaign "think small", works perfectly as it is encouraging Americans to stop going for the massive muscle cars that were seen so often in the 1960's, it created a trend for more smart and reliable cars rather than the gas guzzling speed monsters of the past. Krone played a key part in the VW Beetle becoming one of the most iconic cars in history as he changed the opinions of millions of Americans, from an ugly, slow car associated with Nazi Germany to one that was idolized by millions in America. Bernbach would of been a huge influence in his work as he was qouted saying “Rules are what the artist breaks; the memorable never emerged from a formula.” and this advert certainly did not emerge from a formula

World first TV advert

The world first TV advert aired in the US on July 1, 1941. It was around 10 seconds long, it shows a watch with Bulova written inside of it placed on top of the american map with a guy narrating "america runs on Bulova time" a catchphrase that had been heard by many on the radio as well as read by thousands in newspapers. Bulova has been a pioneer in adverts as they were also the first company to broadcast a national radio commercial in 1926 which was seen by millions, their TV advert however was not as successful only reaching a couple thousand as at the time radio was a more common household item than the television. When asked why they did it a spokesperson for Bulova was quoted saying "As to why we did it, I suppose that's because we took pride in being a pioneer in marketing," Bulova will forever be remembered as the first advert ever to air on live television and spark the beginning of a multi billion dollar industry.

Monday 13 October 2014

Bar Marketing Campaign


This is a very audacious stunt pulled off by a bar who I hope agreed to do this with the strip club.
They have inserted a spyhole in the urinals into the strip club next door. This is a very unique selling point and would certainly attract some new customers. From what I know it is the first of its kind and definitely helps the customer feel like their having an exclusive experience separate from people at other bars. This is something that I would definitely take a picture of and people have the same mentality as me as it has created an online presence

Thursday 9 October 2014

Nike find your greatness print Ad

Nike have got a very difficult task in delivering a personal message to such a wide target audience and yet time and time again they deliver. Just like their previous ad campaign just do it which inspired a generation I truly believe this is something that will do the same. This advert can resonate with everyone, its not asking you to find greatness, its asking you to find your personal greatness. You don't need to be Muhammed Ali or David Beckham, its asking you to achieve your goals and find greatness within your self. A very positive message with the picture of a fat kid (excuse my political in correctness) to reinforce this. The picture is portraying that if this kid can find greatness within himself then there is no excuse as to why you can't. What better way to achieve your goals and find greatness than with Nike helping you every step of the way?

Mums Demand Action Print Ad

This advert is very clear cut and gives out a very specific and visible message. For me the kid holding the gun automatically draws your attention to the poster, your first thought is why is that kid holding a gun? This helps to engage the viewer, as well as asking you "guess which one" it is a very powerful message that makes you question which one is legal. It makes you question yourself as you would assume it is the gun that is illegal, I mean if you looked up the statistics for number of kinder egg related deaths compared to the number of guns I'd like to think as an intelligent human being I know which would come out on top. This makes the advert very engaging and because of its sense of surprise, when you find out it is in fact the kinder eggs that are illegal you start questioning yourself and the governments priorities. This advert also works well because it is something you would talk about with friends, for example its something that could easily be slipped into a casual conversation "can you believe that kinder eggs are banned in america but guns aren't" its an advert that for the most part will get people talking. I think their choice of comparison is excellent as they could of gone with a number of things that are banned in america, but choose something that is made directly for children and has a sense of innocence to it. They have done very well to take such a controversial subject and create such an emotion/thought provoking advert, whether or not this advert would actually make someone take action I am not sure but it definitely helps to raise awareness.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

3D Dinosaur Panasonic Advert

This advert is funny, innovative and has great use of CGI. The lighting instantly draws you to the centre of the photo where the woman is pointing for the dinosaur to go back into the TV. It is an advert for everybody I believe it is a real people pleaser from young to old. The use of colours is good its not to in your face and nothing distracts you from the adverts message. This is a very clever way of getting the message across that our 3D TV is the best in the business and you won't be able to tell the difference between real life and objects coming out of the 3D TV. The Dinosaur looking like its sighing (how they've made it seem like the dinosaur is sighing I do not know as no one has ever seen one sigh but there you go)  and the plant pot on the floor really ads to the satirical humour shown in this print ad. I really like the advert as its something a lot of people can identify with as well as being funny and getting its message across well.

Hand Sanitizer Print Ad

This advert evokes a lot of emotion because of the dirty and grimy feel it has to it. Your first reaction is "that looks disgusting", they very smartly used dull and grungy looking colours to give this advert a real sense of unpleasantness. It catches the users eye but for all the wrong reasons, it looks revolting and maybe because of this some of the viewers may not give it a second look. However I do think it gets its message across very clearly, as even if I did not buy this particular brand of hand sanitizer it would almost definitely make me want to use one throughout the day. Although I think it is a very thought provoking advert, I don't think it is an advert that will sit well with a lot of people. Personally I think its the type of advert you would remember but it wouldn't necessarily make you want to buy the product.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Play Doh Print Ads

This advert is very clear cut and centralised. It isn't very busy which allows the viewer to focus on the message it is trying to portray. Unless you lived under a rock for your entire childhood you would have definitely heard of or owned Play-Doh and Hasbro are playing on this fact. Hasbro are letting your imagination run wild, after seeing this advert it will leave you thinking about all the things you made your Play-Doh turn into and how much fun you had doing it. It may also leave you thinking about the endless possibilities that you didn't create, now is that something that you want your kid missing out on? I think this advert works really well because essentially like the advert, Play-Doh is what you make of it.