Wednesday 8 October 2014

3D Dinosaur Panasonic Advert

This advert is funny, innovative and has great use of CGI. The lighting instantly draws you to the centre of the photo where the woman is pointing for the dinosaur to go back into the TV. It is an advert for everybody I believe it is a real people pleaser from young to old. The use of colours is good its not to in your face and nothing distracts you from the adverts message. This is a very clever way of getting the message across that our 3D TV is the best in the business and you won't be able to tell the difference between real life and objects coming out of the 3D TV. The Dinosaur looking like its sighing (how they've made it seem like the dinosaur is sighing I do not know as no one has ever seen one sigh but there you go)  and the plant pot on the floor really ads to the satirical humour shown in this print ad. I really like the advert as its something a lot of people can identify with as well as being funny and getting its message across well.

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