Thursday 9 October 2014

Nike find your greatness print Ad

Nike have got a very difficult task in delivering a personal message to such a wide target audience and yet time and time again they deliver. Just like their previous ad campaign just do it which inspired a generation I truly believe this is something that will do the same. This advert can resonate with everyone, its not asking you to find greatness, its asking you to find your personal greatness. You don't need to be Muhammed Ali or David Beckham, its asking you to achieve your goals and find greatness within your self. A very positive message with the picture of a fat kid (excuse my political in correctness) to reinforce this. The picture is portraying that if this kid can find greatness within himself then there is no excuse as to why you can't. What better way to achieve your goals and find greatness than with Nike helping you every step of the way?

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