Wednesday 8 October 2014

Hand Sanitizer Print Ad

This advert evokes a lot of emotion because of the dirty and grimy feel it has to it. Your first reaction is "that looks disgusting", they very smartly used dull and grungy looking colours to give this advert a real sense of unpleasantness. It catches the users eye but for all the wrong reasons, it looks revolting and maybe because of this some of the viewers may not give it a second look. However I do think it gets its message across very clearly, as even if I did not buy this particular brand of hand sanitizer it would almost definitely make me want to use one throughout the day. Although I think it is a very thought provoking advert, I don't think it is an advert that will sit well with a lot of people. Personally I think its the type of advert you would remember but it wouldn't necessarily make you want to buy the product.

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