Thursday 9 October 2014

Mums Demand Action Print Ad

This advert is very clear cut and gives out a very specific and visible message. For me the kid holding the gun automatically draws your attention to the poster, your first thought is why is that kid holding a gun? This helps to engage the viewer, as well as asking you "guess which one" it is a very powerful message that makes you question which one is legal. It makes you question yourself as you would assume it is the gun that is illegal, I mean if you looked up the statistics for number of kinder egg related deaths compared to the number of guns I'd like to think as an intelligent human being I know which would come out on top. This makes the advert very engaging and because of its sense of surprise, when you find out it is in fact the kinder eggs that are illegal you start questioning yourself and the governments priorities. This advert also works well because it is something you would talk about with friends, for example its something that could easily be slipped into a casual conversation "can you believe that kinder eggs are banned in america but guns aren't" its an advert that for the most part will get people talking. I think their choice of comparison is excellent as they could of gone with a number of things that are banned in america, but choose something that is made directly for children and has a sense of innocence to it. They have done very well to take such a controversial subject and create such an emotion/thought provoking advert, whether or not this advert would actually make someone take action I am not sure but it definitely helps to raise awareness.

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