Monday 17 November 2014

John Lewis Christmas Penguin Advert

Although I personally prefer the Sainsbury's Christmas Ad as I have far more in common with a soldier wanting to call a truce with the Germans on Christmas than to get involved with my imaginary pet penguins love life, I still think that John Lewis' advert is very heart warming and is certainly the advert i'd imagine more kids find interesting and being the main target audience of Christmas I believe John Lewis may have got one over on Sainsbury's this year.
The slogan at the end of the John Lewis advert is very clever as it encourages you to buy everything your kid has been asking for this Christmas. When talking about giving "someone" the Christmas they've been dreaming of John Lewis are mainly talking about kids and this is reinforced with the picture of the kid playing with his two penguins as John Lewis know as well as we all do that the majority of money spent on Christmas is spent on kids. The advert also has a very clever twist at the end again reinforcing kids being the centre of attention as something as simple as a toy penguin that you buy for your kid can be turned into something magical (through the use of some CGI special effects of course). The song is very catchy and using the #MontyThePenguin they have created a great online presence.

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