Thursday 20 November 2014

PhoneBloks Social Media Reach Campaign

PhoneBloks is a concept idea that when a part of your phone breaks, like for example your camera, rather than having to buy a whole new phone and produce a lot of electrical waste why not simply replace the camera on the phone. PhoneBlok created this video to explain their idea further
This video was very successful as the Youtube video has 20million views and the campaign had a recorded social media reach of 388 million people. This made phone company's aware and now PhoneBloks is in partnership with Google and Sennheiser. It goes to show that a company's social reach is valued very highly now a days, because this campaign had a great social reach the idea is now becoming a reality. What started off as a promo video has now become a multi-million pound idea that is sweeping the nation and this is all due to people sharing the video via social media outlets. In todays age having a large social reach can earn you money.

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