Thursday 20 November 2014

The Apprentice Advertising Task

I am an avid watcher of The Apprentice and have been for many years and was excited to see them given an advertising brief for a soft drink in New York. The task was to come up with a brand name, logo, digital ad and TV advert all based around a soft drink they had created. 

One team came up with the brand name Big Dawg and the brand logo which is shown below. I think the name and logo match together as it is very outlandish and shows a strong brand identity as a exciting new energy drink and would definitely catch people's attention in the supermarket. The only thing I think they failed on is the advert the advert was boring and involved someone standing talking about the drink, almost like a news bulletin. It wasn't energetic and failed to convey the brands identity as an out there bold new energy drink.

The second team came up with the name aqua fusion an idea of mixing water with fruit to create a health drink, which if the american market is anything like ours i'm sure Americans have seen something similar many a time. The branding, shown above, on the drink is poor it doesn't stand out and you can barely read the writing at the bottom. It looks like something straight out of a kids show from the 90's and in my opinion as aimed at a much lower target market maybe between the ages of 3-16. The advert on the other hand was a success as it told a story and had some real feeling and emotion behind it, a very stereotypical story but a story none the less which helped consumers engage more with the product.

In the end Sir Alan Sugar went with the Big Dawg and so would I as although it had a poor advert it had a strong brand identity where as the other product aqua fusion had a good advert but nothing else to back it up. What's the point of a good advert if you don't have a strong brand to advertise?

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