Monday 17 November 2014

Sainsbury's Christmas Advert

After John Lewis' Christmas advert had hit 15 million views in just under 2 weeks, Sainsbury's knew they had a lot of competition this year. Although the Sainsbury's Christmas advert has caused a great deal of controversy receiving up to 250 complaints in the 2 days it has been online, due to using a snapshot of war to increase sales, it also manages to catch the emotion of the Christmas spirit and those who were trapped in the trenches on Christmas in 1914 through great use of camera work and choice of music. It is also a story that the vast majority can resonate with as who would really want to be shooting at the enemy in a time which is solely based on the good nature of humanity? The advert has clearly been successful and influenced what the consumers are buying as Sainsbury's started selling the same chocolate bar featured in the advert and are reporting sales of around 5000 an hour. This is a great story for an advert and what better time to tell this story than around christmas, I think think the advert works brilliantly and the proof is in the pudding as sales have rocketed, I also think the publicity causd by the complaints that were made might not be all bad as any publicity is good publicity

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